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Diabetes Myth 4: People only get diabetes if they are overweight

Fact 4: People with diabetes come in all shapes and sizes.

Being overweight can be a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, but it’s certainly not the only one. People with diabetes look like everybody else –  they come in all shapes, sizes, ages, gender identities and ethnicities.

Mignonne was 38 years old when she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Today, 20 years later, she still lives with the condition; yet has a fit, healthy and active lifestyle. Mignonne exercises every week; she loves walking and regularly works out at her local gym.

Type 2 diabetes runs in Mignonne’s family, which made her more likely to be diagnosed at some point in her life. Rather than blaming herself and dwelling on what she could have done to prevent it, Mignonne focuses her attention on what she can do now to best manage her diabetes.



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