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Diabetes Myth 3: People with diabetes don't live long lives

Fact 3: People with diabetes can live long and fulfilling lives.

There is no cure for any type of diabetes. Once diabetes has been diagnosed, you will have to manage the condition for the rest of your life. But this doesn’t mean that it will be a short life. Just ask any of our Kellion Victory Medal recipients who have lived and aged with diabetes for at least five decades.

One of them is Sandra. She was 13 years old when she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Today, more than 60 years later, Sandra is enjoying her golden years. She leads a busy and independent lifestyle on a rural property where she looks after her horses, goats and chickens. Sandra loves spending time with her grandchildren, other family members and friends.

Diabetes management and technology have come a long way since Sandra was first diagnosed. Today, living with diabetes is much more convenient than it was 60 years ago, and we have also learned more about how to prevent diabetes-related complications.




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