Contributions to the Foundation can be made through:
- Donations to via Australian Communities Foundation
- Major gifts requesting the funds be dedicated to the Foundation
- Gifts in Wills by donors, trusts and estates requesting the funds be dedicated to the Foundation
- Gifts providing a tribute in honour of a community member who has passed away.
To discuss how you can support the Diabetes Victoria Foundation, please contact the team at the Foundation on 1300 437 386 or send an email to
Income from the Foundation will be approved and distributed annually by the Diabetes Victoria Board and communicated to all members through our news and information channels.
Contributors will be recognised in the Diabetes Victoria Annual Review and will be provided with an annual update on the impact of the fund and its growth.
The Diabetes Victoria Foundation is managed and overseen as a dedicated foundation within the Australian Communities Foundation and will be separately accounted for in Diabetes Victoria’s financial statements.
Ready to leave a gift in your will?
A gift of as little as 1% of your estate can be the key to unlocking a future free from diabetes for future generations. By leaving a gift of 1% you are ensuring those you those closest to you receive 99% while the cause that you care about benefits too!
Read our ‘Gift in your will guide’. Supporting Diabetes Victoria, now and into the future.