Lauren Bais
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Lauren has been an Accredited Practising Dietitian for the past 20 years. She began specialising in diabetes care 18 years ago and has worked at Diabetes Victoria for the past 11 years. Throughout her career, Lauren has worked in community health, private practice and sports dietetics, and was a sports dietitian at the Hawthorn Football Club.
Lauren has trained in motivational interviewing, health coaching and the Flinders Model, which is a tool that enables health professionals to help clients more effectively self-manage their long-term conditions. She has a passion for supporting people to achieve their goals and enjoys working with people living with, or at risk, of diabetes.
As a part of her role at Diabetes Victoria, Lauren answers enquires on the NDSS Helpline, writes articles for Circle magazine and the Membership Matters monthly enewsletter. She has been involved in training health professionals in carbohydrate counting, OzDAFNE and OzDAFNE Pump. She also runs a range of programs for people living with type 2 diabetes; such as DESMOND, CarbSmart, ShopSmart and Ready, Set, Go – Let’s move.
For people with type 1 diabetes, Lauren runs programs such as OzDAFNE Pens, OzDAFNE Pump and OzDAFNE@home and has been involved in the curriculum development for the OzDAFNE Pens program. She was the lead dietitian in developing the new OzDAFNE Pump program in 2019 and trained OzDAFNE facilitators in Australia and New Zealand to run this program. Lauren also was the co-lead dietitian in developing OzDAFNE@home. Lauren was also involved in the development of the Protein & Fat Awareness and Dosing curriculum for OzDAFNE Pens & OzDAFNE Pump in 2019.
Lauren enjoys hiking with her young family, baking and playing tennis.
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