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A gift in your will

Making a will not only provides peace of mind to you and your loved ones, but also enables you to leave a lasting legacy as we continue to move towards a future free from diabetes.

  • If you're updating your will, please consider a gift to Diabetes Victoria.
  • Your gift will be the key to uncovering the next generation of breakthroughs.
  • Just 1% of your estate can make a life-changing impact for all Victorians affected by, or at risk of, diabetes.

A gift to Diabetes Victoria in your will is going to...

Donate_for_research_iconAssist people living with diabetes through vital support programs and services
Donate_heart_iconExpand diabetes prevention programs to slow the rate of preventable diabetes in the community
Research_iconFund cutting-edge research into diabetes and its complications

How to leave a gift in your will to Diabetes Victoria

There are many ways to leave a gift in your will, and it’s important to find the one that’s right for you. After you’ve taken care of your loved ones, you may also wish to leave a gift to Diabetes Victoria.

A gift of as little as 1% of your estate can be the key to unlocking a future free from diabetes for future generations. By leaving a gift of 1% you are ensuring those you those closest to you receive 99% while the cause that you care about benefits too!
Read our 'Gift in your will guide'
Supporting Diabetes Victoria, now and into the future
Here's is some suggested wording you may wish to consider using to remember Diabetes Victoria in your will:

I give residuary estate; OR (insert percentage) % of my residuary estate; OR the sum of $ (insert amount); OR (insert specific assets, such as real estate, shares, artwork etc.) to Diabetes Victoria, ABN 71 005 239 510, for its general purpose; OR (insert area) within Diabetes Victoria. I declare that the receipt of the proper officer of Diabetes Victoria shall be sufficient discharge to my Executors.

Meet our wonderful supporters

Meet Robert

Robert and his late wife Janice have had a personal connection with Diabetes Victoria since Robert was diagnosed with diabetes in 2008.

Robert told us that he and Janice made the decision to leave 5% of their estate to Diabetes Victoria to ensure that Diabetes Victoria could help  someone else the same way they’ve helped me.

This enabled them to give back to a cause they care about, whilst ensuring that their family were still provided for.
This is their story, watch it here.

Your story can make a difference

Join us and share your story of giving to inspire others! By sharing your journey with Diabetes Victoria, you can help break the stigma and isolation that many within our community feel living with diabetes.
Click here to fill out our online form and help inspire others with your story.

How can we help?


Carla Northmore


Leave a gift in your will for diabetes research

With your help, we can change lives ... 

Every day 90 Victorians develop diabetes… making it the fastest growing chronic condition in our state. Our goal of reducing the impact of diabetes in the Victorian community is complex and challenging and we need your help. By arranging a gift in your will to Diabetes Victoria it ensures our work with researchers, universities, hospitals, health service providers, corporate partners, community organisations and people with diabetes will continue and helps maximise our future impact.

By 2026, over 500,000 Victorians will be diagnosed with diabetes. With support and resources, diabetes can be well managed, and people affected by diabetes can live long, healthy and happy lives. Our need for your support has never been greater.

Find out more about a bequest to Diabetes Victoria.