Diabetes Victoria celebrates 70 years serving the community
Our Story
On Tuesday 24 March in 1953, the first meeting of the Victorian Diabetics Association (VDA) was held at Melbourne Town Hall – this was the first members meeting of what we now call Diabetes Victoria.
We celebrate 70 years of advocating for people affected by, or at risk of, diabetes. This is a legacy we’re incredibly proud of and excited to celebrate.
Seven decades ago, the knowledge and understanding of diabetes by the medical profession and the community was not well informed. Therefore, the VDA was formed – because people with diabetes wanted ownership of their condition, taking an active role in everyday self-management.
From the beginning, the motto of the VDA was: “Self-help not self-pity.” Aiming to improve the lives of people with diabetes through practical guidance and public education, the VDA was set up as a solely philanthropic body, run by people with diabetes and their friends.
So much has happened since 1953. The treatment and management of diabetes has made staggering progress and research developments continue improving the quality of life of people living with diabetes. We are proud of the role we have played in pursuing this agenda.
Yet, we wouldn’t be here without 70 years of support from our community – so thank you! We’ll continue to be here to serve you until the happy day a cure is found for all types of diabetes.
Glen Noonan
Chief Executive Officer
Richard Loveridge
Diabetes Victoria: 70 years serving the community
It is a great honour to recognise and celebrate our milestone with 70 guests at Melbourne Town Hall on Friday 24 March 2023 with representatives from the diabetes community, supporters, advocates, donors, lifetime members, healthcare professionals and researchers.
Thank you to Diabetes Victoria Patron HE the Honourable Linda Dessau AC CVO, Governor of Victoria and Mr Anthony Howard AM KC for attending the event.
We heard from Mr Howard, Glen Noonan, Dr Sandro Demaio and Peg Kearin OAM. The event was hosted by our President Richard Loveridge.
We would not be here without 70 years of support from our community – THANK YOU!

12 things you need to know about diabetes
Diabetes is not one condition: there are three main types (type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes) and several other types.
All types of diabetes are increasing – they are all complex, serious, and require daily self-management.
Approximately 60% of cases of type 2 diabetes can be delayed or prevented.
All people with type 1 diabetes require insulin for survival; and more than twice as many people living with type 2 diabetes also need insulin to manage their diabetes.
Gestational diabetes affects 1 in 6 pregnancies.
Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in adults, and a leading cause of kidney failure and dialysis; people with diabetes are 4x more likely to have a heart attack or stroke. and 15x more likely to have a limb amputation.40% of diabetes expenditure in Victoria is on hospital services.
40% of diabetes expenditure in Victoria is on hospital services.
1 in 3 people with diabetes experience depression, anxiety or diabetes-specific distress.
1 in 4 people in Victoria’s hospitals have diabetes.
Diabetes is the 10th leading ‘underlying’ cause of death in Victoria – but is far more likely to be listed as an ‘associated’ cause of death, where the diabetes-related complication is listed as the underlying cause.
Early diagnosis, treatment, and ongoing support for self-management, all reduce complications, hospitalisations, and the costs of diabetes.
Diabetes does not discriminate: anyone can develop diabetes – but 1 in 5 people with diabetes have experienced discrimination due to their diabetes.
70-years-timelineDiabetes Victoria 70th Anniversary commemorative booklet
Flip through our special commemorative booklet to learn more about our journey with people living with and at risk of, diabetes the past 70 years.