
Strategic Priorities 2021 – 2025

Strategic Priorities

You can explore the key goals and initiatives, guiding Diabetes Victoria throughout 2021 – 2025. Our strategic plan is focused on improving the lives of people affected by diabetes. We also aim to drive innovation in care and support, and advocating for a healthier future. Learn about our vision, the areas we’re prioritising, and how we’re working to make a lasting impact in the community.

About Us

Diabetes Victoria is the leading charity and peak consumer body working to reduce the impact of diabetes in the Victorian community.

Build and strengthen relationships with the community and business.

  • Raise awareness about risk factors for diabetes and its complications.
  • Deliver campaigns that support and empower people affected by diabetes.
  • Upskill the Victorian workforce to meet the needs of people affected by diabetes through training programs, events, and information.
  • Support people affected by diabetes through education, programs, advocacy, events, and information to improve self-management.

Our Mission

To support, empower and campaign for all Victorians who are affected by, or at risk of, diabetes

Involve and collaborate with people living with or at risk of diabetes to understand and respond to their Diverse needs.

  • Seek advice from people affected by diabetes who are empowered as representatives, advisors, and advocates.
  • Work with priority communities to understand their needs and deliver activities that support fairness and health equity.
  • Work across areas of prevention and health promotion to build healthier communities in Victoria.
  • Collaborate in research to achieve greater impact and Reach.

Our Values

Above all, we value and respect the lived experience of Victorians affected by diabetes. This is at the core of everything we do.

  • Lead the way with innovative and effective diabetes education, programs, events, services, and research.
  • Recognised as leaders in Consumer Engagement.
  • Influence state, national and international priorities around diabetes prevention, management, support, and research.
  • Maintain a culture of continuous improvement and use evidence to inform our decisions.
  • Advocate for innovation and the best use of new Technologies.

Champion, support, and fund research to alleviate the impact of diabetes in our community.

  • Identify and develop a range of funding opportunities for research, innovation, and organisational sustainability.
  • Foster a diverse workforce that encourages difference, is inclusive, supportive, and motivated.
  • Invest in the development of our workforce to enhance our skills, knowledge, competencies, and leadership capabilities now and into the future.
  • Strengthen digital capability throughout our organisation.


Increased awareness of our mission and brand across business and the broader community.

  • Our programs, events, awareness raising, and advocacy activities reach their intended audiences.
  • Activities delivered through collaborations and partnerships, respond to, and meet the needs of our priority communities.
  • The use of innovative technologies and workforce education increase reach and participation.
  • Priority groups are participating in activities, events, information, and services that meet their diverse needs.
  • People affected by diabetes at all levels of the consumer engagement matrix are engaged to identify, understand, and address their needs.
  • Implementation of the Diabetes Victoria Prevention and Health Promotion Strategy (2021-2023).
  • The Victorian community is engaged and supported through advocacy activities to foster healthy habits and environments.
  • Research collaborations focus on diabetes, including prevention, self-management, and psychosocial aspects.

People affected by diabetes look to Diabetes Victoria for knowledge, guidance, and support.

  • Health professionals and researchers look to Diabetes Victoria for lived experience, advocacy, clinical and education expertise.
  • Active involvement and influence in key national and state policy, programs, research, and prevention and health promotion activities.
  • Maintaining our quality accreditation, and ensuring our programs, events, and support services are targeted, high quality and effective.
  • New evidence-based education programs, activities, and technologies available and accessible to support people to self-manage their diabetes.
  • Revenue streams developed to support clinical, behavioural, and translational research to reduce the impact of diabetes.
  • Relationships with key partners and stakeholders are well-developed, collaborative and effective.
  • Consistent application of diversity, inclusion, health literacy and language principles throughout the organisation.
  • All staff embrace training and learning opportunities, are highly engaged and support organisational progress.
  • Technology, systems and processes used to enhance state effectiveness and satisfaction in their roles.


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