IPAN, the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition (Deakin University) are seeking recruits to co-design and evaluate an exercise program for females living with type 2 diabetes.

Exercise is an important part of managing type 2 diabetes, but current guidelines do not consider the unique needs of females. We aim to collaborate with you to develop an exercise program that addresses the preferences and goals of females living with type 2 diabetes, to increase engagement in regular exercise and improve overall health and wellbeing.

Who can be involved in this study?

Females with type 2 diabetes

  • Female sex
  • Aged 18 years or older
  • Have a clinical diagnosis of type 2 diabetes
  • Currently living in Australia

Health professionals specialising in diabetes care

  • Actively practicing or providing care to individuals with type 2 diabetes
  • Have ≥18 months of clinical experience in diabetes care
  • Currently living in Australia

What does participation in this research involve?

There are three phases involved in this study. You may choose to participate in up to two of these. Please note that if you participate in the focus groups you will be unable to participate in the evaluation survey.

  1. An online exploration survey to understand the experiences and perspectives of females with type 2 diabetes regarding exercise participation (~20mins).
  2. Two focus groups to collaboratively design an exercise program. The first focus group will be conducted face-to-face at Deakin University, Burwood Campus (~3.5hrs). The second focus group will be conducted in an online Zoom meeting (~1.5hrs).
  3. An online evaluation survey to gather your feedback on the exercise program that we have designed (~20mins).
    You can find out more about taking part in this online study here.

This study has been approved by Deakin University HEAG Reference Number: HEAG-H 129_2023