
Diabetes action and management plans

All children/students with type 1 diabetes attending early childhood settings, primary or secondary schools in Victoria need to have a current Diabetes Action and Management plan in place to ensure that their diabetes care needs are supported and met.


These Diabetes Action and Management Plans have been developed by Diabetes Victoria, The Royal Children’s Hospital and Monash Children’s Hospital diabetes treating teams. The plans are based on current best practice paediatric guidelines and are reviewed annually.

The plans need to be discussed, completed and signed by the child/student’s diabetes treating team, parents/carers and either early childhood or school representatives.

2025 action and management plans for early childhood and school settings can be downloaded from this webpage or accessed through your child’s diabetes treating team.

Download action and management plans

Type 1

Type 2


Below are links to further resources for your interest.

Early Childhood Settings:

Primary and Secondary Schools:

Please contact us for any questions and concerns at or the NDSS Helpline 1800 637 700.

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